workshop in FSB Unima

workshop in FSB Unima


Interested in setting up a publication clinic near you?

Want to help your institution Initiative to earn some money, and share goodwill and momentum?

If you would like to organize a publication clinic in your institution/university or for groups near you please contact our staff via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Below is some of clinic we have done:

Clinic in 2019 Manado ICPM

2019 Unima clinic in 1st Glocal International Students Conference 

Next clinic : clinic in 2019 Yogyakarta ICPM

Benefit of this workshop/clinic

1. Preliminary review for papers which goes to Scopus/international journals

2. Increase the university branding

3. The clinic may integrated to conference or seminar


The partner journals:

1. JIS- Journal of International Students (Scopus Q2)

2. IJICC- International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change (Scopus Q3)

3 Journal of International Supply Chain Management (Scopus Q3)

4. IJABIM- International Journal of Applied Business & International Management (Sinta 4, Google, PKPindex, CrossREF,DOAJ)

5. IJAFAP- International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific (Google, PKPindex, CrossREF)

6. JCDA- Journal of Community Development in Asia (Google, PKPindex, CrossREF) 

7. APJME- Asia Pasific Journal of Management & Education (Google, PKPindex, CrossREF)

8. IJTHAP- International Journal Tourism & Hospitality in Asia Pasific (Google, PKPindex, CrossREF)



Other outcome of this conference is book that will be published by Vernon Publisher or Palgrave publisher

book picture

In this clinic we also could process the copyright or HAKI for your paper. Check the detail information using the link

Your next step is to contact us for detail partnership and enroll using the link

You can generate income by integrate this clinic with other workshop/conference and training in your university and also sell/promote it to community near from you