Call for contribution JIS
Journal of International Students
Journal of International Students, a quarterly publication on international education (listed in Scopus/ESCI and other databases) is seeking manuscripts for its special edition Indonesian (Bahasa) version. This particular issue will focus on international students studying and working in Indonesia and intends to provide an important Indonesian perspective for the existing studies. Special issues include empirical study, theoretical discussion, and reflective article about the policies, practices, and experiences of international students/exchange students studying in various regions and universities in Indonesia
Detail link:
Suggested topics:
- Indonesian international student/faculty experience in other countries
- Indonesian policies and university practices for international students
- Campus internationalization initiatives and branch campus programs in Indonesia
- International student academic motivation, and their satisfaction in Indonesia
- International faculty in Indonesia and their cross-cultural experiences with Indonesian students
- Social involvement, cross-cultural challenges and adaptation of study abroad/exchange students
- Socio-cultural experiences of exchange/study abroad/international students in Indonesia (e.g., identity, stereotypes, and other social experiences)
- International education brain drains and international students in Indonesia.
- Other related topics
Information about the special issue can be read via
Publication Schedule
Deadline for proposal/abstract/ideas: August 30, 2019
Full manuscript dues: December 20, 2019
Review returns to authors: February 1, 2020
Revision and proofreading: February 20, 2020
Final date for publication: March 1, 2020
How to submit the manuscript
The author is expected to submit an Indonesian/Bahasa text and abstract of English (150-200 words) and the full manuscript to the following email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Submission only accept word document. The contribution can be in the form of research article (4000-5000 words) and reflective articles (1500-2000 words) and book review (6000 words)
For the description of each type of text please refer to the requirement of the international student Journal text type (
Submission must include Indonesian and English abstract (100-200 words), Indonesian and English keywords (3-5 words), references in text, page number, section tittle, tables, images, and reference list, script margin are 2.54 cm (1 inch), double spaces and song no 5
The script body does not contain identifiable information from author, tittle must also be submitted with the author’s name, organization and contact details as well as a brief introduction by the author (in 50 words)
Note: Priority for the participants of 2019 Yogyakarta ICPM
For questions and approval idea please contact:
Dr. Liem Gai Sin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.