Culinary Competition

Culinary Competition

The "Cook & Shoot"  Culinary Photo Contest

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How it Works


This year the Association of International Business and Professional Management (AIBPM) will conducts a culinary competition.Over the years we have sent many students to do culinary internship to 5 stars hotels and michelin star restourants in many countries. We beleive that culinary is part of fun and happiness. We then got so many interests from hotels and our partners to conduct the competition.


Unfortunately we faced the covid-19 pandemic so we delay the competitions. However, The AIBPM then decide that covid-19 will not be barrier for us to conduct the competitions so we decide to do the virtual culinary competition with theme: Cook and Shoot competition

How to do the competition?

1. Register your interest using this form

2. Cook the food (dishes, cake etc)

3  Write down the recipe 

4. Take a photo or and video of the finished recipe and then simply upload to your instagram

5. Share our recipe in your instagram and dont forget to write the hastag: infoaibpm #aibpm #culinaryphotocontest


Every month we will conduct the competition. Starting on January 2021
