THE 2021 WIMAYA International Conference of Economics and Business, Yogyakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
11st -12nd December 2021
Expose Modern trends in Economic, business and accounting toward the economy development of Asia Pacific region
Do you like to publish your research? Searching the best conference to be attended. THE 2021 WIMAYA International Conference of Economics and Business is the best option for you. The THE 2021 WIMAYA International Conference of Economics and Business is a hybrid Conference that combines a networking and research gathering event and virtual presentation.
The reason you need to join this conference
All papers will be published in journals that fits to the quality of papers. The publication options are: scopus index journals, international journals, sinta indexed journals, ASEAN indexed journals and international book. The participants also might join in research and networking gathering that will be held in the 2nd day. This gathering is a forum to share your research, idea and also make networking. As part of the conference you will also get the free membership and also proceeding (KUM 20).
We have a cooperation with many journals such as Sinta Indexed journals, Scopus indexed journals and international journals. Selected papers potentially to be published in these journals:
Scope: Education and Computer science

Scope: Economic
More journals options please contact us and click the list
Do you need more information?
Contact our friendly staffs
OVERVIEW Of the 2021 WIMAYA International Conference of Economics and Business
Overview :
The Accountancy Department, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta (UPN veteran) and Association of International Business and Professional Management (AIBPM) are pleased to organize the 2021 WIMAYA International Conference of Economics and Business (WIMAYA) on 11 st -12nd October 2021 in virtual mode and also offline as part of academic networking gathering.
All of participants will present their paper online and they will give an opportunity to join the research and networking gathering. This conference aims to bring together researchers to present up-to-date works that contribute to new theoretical, methodological and empirical knowledge. The conference invites theoretical and empirical papers on ALL aspects of business management, accounting, finance, information system and economics and any related topics.
Topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to the areas listed below:
Applied Science, Natural Science, Biotechnology, Ecology, Industrial chemistry, Information Technology, Industrial Engineering, Technology Commercialization,
Technology Management.
Education and Evaluation
Special Education
Sport sciences
Health and Training studies
blended and autonomous learning
Curriculum Development
Technology Education,
psychology education,
management education
Sociology, history, Local Wisdom, Rhetorics, Law Studies, Anthropology,
geography, biogeography, Disaster studies, Art and Cultural Studies, Applied Linguistics, Linguistics, Literary Theory and Teaching, Foreign Language Teaching Approaches
Rector UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta
Prof. Dr. Irhas Effendi, M.Si
Liem Gai Sin, Ph.D is the founder and president of Association of International Business and Professional Management. He has been involved in many research projects, received several research grants, scholarship and educational awards. He has published many journal articles in IEEE, APBITM, JIBM and wrote a book chapter in The Handbook of Experiential Learning in International Business that is published by Palgrave Macmilan in 2014. He was also a columnist on Entrepreneurship magazine and was an external reviewer of AIB and APIBTM. Currently he active in business activity, consulting and also active in many international organization.
Associate Professor and Director of Prestige Institute of Management and Research
Dr. Nishant Joshi is currently the Director, Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior formerly he was Director-Incharge Department of Law, Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore. He is also the Professional Director of HF Universal Private Limited a INR.1 Billion turnover Company and was the Managing Director of PRO AGRI COM TRADE FZC, Dubai,UAE. He has extensive experience in marketing and trading of Agricultural Commodities for Food and Feed needs. His area of operations is West Asia and North Africa. He is a Ph.D. in International Marketing from the coveted 'Banasthali Vidhyapeeth', Rajasthan. He is an author and has been a faculty of International Business with Prestige Institute of Management and Reserach, Indore one of India's leading B-School.
Dr. Jorge A. Wise
Affiliation: Professor of Marketing and International Business, CETYS Graduate School of Business, CETYS Universidad, Mexicali, Mexico. He got a PhD from EGADE Business School. He stands out in professional activities, from 1980-2000 working in national and international firms. In 1998 he joined the Monterrey Tech (ITESM) as professor of Marketing and International Business. In 2014 is appointed Director for the Center or Excellence for Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship at CETYS University. Later, he is appointed as Dean of the brand new CETYS Graduate School of Business. In those years, he is recognized as a member of Mexican National Research System from CONACYT (The Mexican Council for Science and Technology). Dr. Wise is an international professor working in the USA, Latin America and Europe. His latest appointments are at CEIPA Business School, Colombia and at IESEG School of Management, France. He is also a visiting professor at WOXSEN University, Hyderabad, India and Pforzheim University, Germany. Recognized for his work in marketing, international business, strategic management, and family businesses
Dr. Scott Hipsher
Dr. Scott Hipsher is an American professor who lectures and writes in strategic areas examining development issues in the Asian-Pacific region, where he has lived and worked for over 20 years. In particular, his expertise is in management studies, wealth creation and poverty reduction, social responsibility and international business. His research interests also include innovation and microenterprises in ethnic minority communities in Southeast Asia.
He has published numerous books as the sole author or editor with Palgrave Macmillan, Oxford: Chandos Publishing, Routledge, and IGI International and contributed book chapters to major books published by Palgrave Macmillan, Routledge, Global Publishing House International, IGI International, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Nova Sciences Publishers, and Information Age Publishing. He has also written numerous academic articles for major international journals and conference papers as well being a frequent keynote speaker at academic conferences and a guest on TV news shows in China.
Dr. Hipsher has extensive experience in lecturing at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral levels at various institutions across the world as a full-time or visiting professor. He is currently a visiting faculty member at Mahidol University.
Dr. Julie Vardhan is an academician with more than 17 years experience. She is currently associated with Amity University Jharkhand as Asst. Prof. She is Doctorate in Business Administration from SMC University Switzerland. She was associated with a national media house, an international bank, and a Fortune 500 Company and integrated this experience into the academic world. She has contributed in the education field at the international level and was associated with a University in Dubai for more than a decade. Her research papers have been published in a number of acclaimed international journals. Her areas of research interest are Higher education, entrepreneurship and sustainable marketing.
Within this pandemic the conference will be conducted in hybrid system. The max 100 participants can join the conference offline in research and networking gathering. This is a new idea from us that instead of regular paper presentation we held a gathering where researcher and lecturer and all participants can sit together in round table and discuss the research they are doing and also building networking.
Note: gathering is held with min 50 participants
Other can join the conference online and do the virtual presentation. Below is the guideline of how to do the virtual presentation.
There will be 3 options to do the virtual presentation:
- Pre-Recorded video presentation and put in the youtube
- Presenting in the with a Question and Answer session from session chair & audience with zoom
- Softcopy only and no presentation required (only for special condition)
* For detail please check the instruction
Abstract/Full Paper Submission: | 30th October – 8th December 2021 |
Full Paper Submission: | 8th December 2021 |
Last Date of Payment/Registration: | 8th December 2021 |
The offline conference might be not conducted if there is restriction from the government because of covid-19 and other reasons and replaced by online presentation .
Amount Category |
Amount (international) |
Online Presenter (Non AIBPM Members) | USD 120 -- Rp.1.200.000 |
Online presenter (AIBPM Member) | USD 100 – Rp.1.000.000 |
Offline Presenter (with research and networking gathering) | USD 200 -- Rp.2.000.000 |
Students (Bachelor or Master degree) | USD 80 – Rp.800.000 |
*All payments are not refundable.*The registration fee is inclusive of Tax Conference includes: Conference kits, , International Certificate, Publication in AIBPM International Journal (optional), Coffee break, Lunch, Priority for Scopus or Sinta 2 or international indexed journal publication Participants who join online will get e-certificate and access to join the virtual conference
- Conference kits
- International Certificate
- 1-year AIBPM membership (value: Rp.200.000)
- Lunch, Coffee break in Venue
- Proceeding Book & online proceeding in Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) indexed in CrossREF, Google and PKPindex.
Note: request for Scopus/WOS indexed proceeding might be applied with term and condition. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Priority for Scopus/ISI/Sinta Indexed Journals
Free Publication Workshop (Selected papers will be published in Special issue in Scopus indexed journal) *. The workshop date will be announced on the conference date
The payment of Conference fee can be sent to our Indonesian Bank Account
1. Payment in Rupiah:
Bank name : Bank Mandiri
Bank Number : 1440015773002
2. Payment in USD
Bank name: Bank Central Asia
Name: Sinara Sukses Bersama
Bank Number: 0113002503
Swift Code: CENAIDJA
or paypal:
you need to add 3% for paypal service fee in your payment
Please mention: Your name +Institution
Ira Kristiana : +62895413297376
Call center: +62 896-8679-1980 (whatapps)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Do you need more information?
Contact our friendly staffs
8:00 -9.00 | : Registration |
9:00- 10.00 | : Opening Session |
10.00-10.30 | : Keynote Speaker 1 |
10:30-11.00 | : Keynote Speaker 2 |
11.00-11.30 | : Keynote Speaker 3 |
11.30-12.00 | : Keynote Speaker 4 |
12.00-12.30 | : Keynote Speaker 5 |
13.00-16.15 | : Presentation |
16:15-16.30 | : Closing Remark |
* only for offline presenters
The conference venue changed From Grand Mercure Yogyakarta to Hotel Harper Malioboro
Hotel Harper Malioboro
Address: Jl. P. Mangkubumi No.52, Gowongan, Kec. Jetis, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55232
Note : gathering is held with min 50 participants
co-host opportunity
Are you interested to involve your university in this conference and get the acknowledgement that your university is part of this conference? We are open for Co-host for the THE 2021 WIMAYA International Conference of Economics and Business, Yogyakarta, Central Java, Indonesia . You can contact us through email or WhatsApp listed below.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone: +62 341 366222
WhatsApp & Phone: +62895413297376 (Ira)
WhatsApp: +62 896-8679-1980 (Dana)
below is the call for paper that you can share to your collegue