7th International KRA

7th International KRA

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The 7th Regional Accounting Conference in 2020 with the theme "Innovation in Accounting Learning and Practices for Increasing Accountants Competence Towards Golden Indonesia 2045, Mbois Ker!".

20-21 October 2020

We are happy to announce that The 2020 Regional Accounting Conference (KRA) that held by the Faculty of Economics and Business, State University of Malang (FEB UM) & collaborated with AIBPM. 

The KRA is an event of the Indonesian Institute of Accountants, the Compartment of Educational Accountants (IAI KAPd) in collaboration with several universities in Indonesia with the aim of being a forum for academics and practitioners to conduct and discuss empirical and practical studies in the realm of scientific disciplines. accounting. The study was carried out in order to maintain continuity between the world of academia and the profession with the emerging and developing practices and issues in accounting. This KRA is held continuously every year in mutual cooperation by universities in East Java. The following are KRAs that have been held:

  • KRA I in 2014 with the theme "Accounting for Welfare" was held at FEB Airlangga University
  • KRA II 2015 with the theme "Accounting Education Development Strategy in the Era of the ASEAN Economic Community" was held at FEB Kanjuruhan University Malang.
  • KRA III 2016 was held in Jember City with the theme Green Accounting and Forensics to Respond to the Dynamics of Global Change "
  • KRA IV 2017 carries the theme "The Role of Accountants in Realizing Good Public Governance in the Era of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)" which was held at the Faculty of Economics, State University of Surabaya.
  • KRA V 2018 took place at Brawijaya University Malang with the theme "Contemporary Crisis in Accounting: Dealing with Energy Sustainability and Financial Technology".
  • KRA VI 2019 was held at STIESIA Surabaya with the theme "Accounting Disruption:" Come on, One Guts Recording "Towards the Industrial Revolution 4.0."

In 2020, KRA is entering its 7th period which will be held at the Faculty of Economics and Business, State University of Malang (FEB UM) & collaborated with AIBPM with the theme:

" Innovation in Accounting Learning and Practices for Increasing Accountants Competence Towards Golden Indonesia 2045, Mbois Ker!".



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Presenter Participants     : IDR 250,000

Non-Speaker Participants: IDR 150,000

Overses                               : USD 75


Payment method via transfer to Bank Mandiri a.n. IAI KAPD EAST JAVA



  1. Certificates and Credit Points
  2. Seminar Kit, Snack and Lunch
  3. Opportunities for Publication in a National Accredited Journal (Sinta 2) or a Reputable International Journal (Emerald Publishing)
  4. All Papers are Accepted Published in WOS Indexed Proceedings (Web of science), or journals that are members of the IAI KAPd Accounting Journal Alliance
  5. Prize of IDR 5,000,000 for the Best Paper



Topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to the areas listed below:
Private Sector
1. Financial and Capital Market Accounting (AKPM)
2. Management and Behavioral Accounting (AKMP)
3. Information Systems, Auditing, and Professional Ethics (SIAEP)
4. Taxation (PPJK)
5. Sharia Accounting (AKSR)
6. Accounting Education (PAK)
7. Corporate Governance, CSR and Fraud & Forensic Accounting (CG)
Public Sector
1. Financial Accounting (ASPAK)
2. Management Accounting (ASPAM)
3. Information and Auditing Systems (ASPSIA)
4. Good Governance (ASPGG)


 The main commitee members for this 2020 KRA conference are:

  1. Dr. Cipto Wardoyo, S.E., M.Pd, M.Si. Ak., CA Dean of Economic Faculty of Malang State University
  2. Dr. Agus Hermawan, GradDipMgt., M.Si, MBus, Senior Lecturer of Malang State University
  3. Dr. Hadi Sumarsono, S.T., M.Si, Lecturer of Malang State University
  4. Slamet Fauzan, S.Pd., M.Pd, Lecturer of Malang State University
  5. Aulia Azzardina, S.E., M.Sc, Lecturer of Malang State University
  6. Akidah Fitrah, S.T, Lecturer of Malang State University
  7. Devy Dewayani, S.Sos, Lecturer of  Malang State University
  8. Miranti Puspaningtyas, S.Pd, M.Akun, Lecturer of Malang State University
  9. Inanda Shinta Anugrahani, S.E., M.A. Lecturer of Malang State University
  10. Ika Mifa Geriarti,S.Pd, lecturer of Malang State University
  11. Liem Gai Sin, Ph.D, Senior Lecturer of Ma Chung University
  12. Etty, Conference Coordinator of AIBPM
  13. Eka Yanuar, Finance staff of AIBPM
  14. Dana Yurida, Publication staff of AIBPM


Editor of Chief: Dr. Satia Nur Maharani, S.E., M.SA., Ak.(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view

Dr. Scott Hipsher, Professor of Webster University, Thailand; Prof Majdi Anwar Quatinah, Professor ,Kuwait University; Prof. John Thanopoulos, Professor of      University of Piraeus, Greece; Dr. Artee Aggrawal, Professor of Amity University, Mumbai, India; Miguel Ignacio Córdova Espinoza, Professor of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru; Jacob Taarup-Esbensen PhD, Assistant Professor of University College Copenhagen; Dr. Garima Mathur, Associate Professor of Prestige Institute of Management India; Dr. Suhail Mohammad Ghouse Ph.D., Professor of University, Salalah, Oman; Martine BOUTARY, Professor of  Toulouse Business School, Conseiller du Commerce Extérieur; Abu Bakar Abdul Hamid, PhD, Professor of Marketing and Supply Chain Management of PUTRA Business School Universiti; Dr. Joubert B. Maramis, SE., M.Si, Lecturer of Manado State University; Nicolas Fajar Wuryaningrat, SE., M.Sc, Lecturer of Manado State University





